- De speeltafel
- Het orgel
- Interieur
- Exterieur
In the Reformed Zuiderkerk in Putten, Orgelmakerij Noorlander expanded the existing De Koff organ into a colorful and diverse instrument with 27 speaking stops spread over two manuals and pedal.
The existing console has been modified and expanded with a second keyboard (Bovenwerk). Some additional stops have also been added to the existing works. These stops are easy to operate via the touchscreen that is mounted on the extended and renewed console.
Current disposition De Koff-organ (Zuiderkerk, Putten):
*Added stops
Hoofdwerk (I):
Bovenwerk* (II):
Prestant 16*
Bourdon 16*
Prestant 8*
Subbas 16
Prestant 8
Gedekt 8*
Prestant 8
Gedekt 8
Viola 8*
Gedekt 8
Octaaf 4
Octaaf 4*
Octaaf 4
Roerfluit 4
Fluit 4*
Bazuin 16*
Quint 2 2/3*
Nasard 2 2/3*
Trompet 8
Octaaf 2
Woudfluit 2*
Koppel HW – Ped.
Cornet V*
Terts 1 3/5*
Koppel BW – Ped.*
Mixtuur III – IV
Sesquialter II*
Trompet 8*
Dulciaan 8*
Koppel BW – HW*
Tremulant BW*