Truly functional…
Ease and functionality go hand in hand with this movable and compact organ. The possibilities are almost endless. All components are easy to disassemble, therefore placing them in small rooms is no problem.
This organ gives you the feeling of playing a grand cathedral organ, and yet it is compact.
You can choose from a wide variety of speakers. Speakers will be placed outside the organ. The ergonomics and the outstanding sound make the organ a pleasure to play.
- High-end audio configuration possible
- A significantly better sample quality than other electronic organs
- The sound of the organ enhances your playing pleasure
- You can create your own combination sets (setzer), with your touchscreen or thumbpistons
- The organ furniture is ergonomically designed
- An outstanding instrument for long study sessions
- Simple and compact console
- Timeless appearance
- Very high quality finish
- LED lighting in music rack and above the pedal possible
- A classic, modern or open design possible
Possibilities / additions
- 2, 3, 4 or even 5 keyboards
- Extensive external speaker configuration is possible
- Available with or without computer
- Build your organ as you wish